Volunteering in Cambodia. Farmer Ly Theort talks with international volunteers in one of her fields
VSO/Sophal Neak

Volunteering in Cambodia

Through the work of our volunteers in Cambodia we have helped deliver national policy changes, transformed education for two thirds of all primary students and increased income and food security for thousands of Cambodia's poorest people.

Volunteering in Cambodia

Volunteer in Cambodia. National volunteer Mongkol Lyn runs a training workshop with farmers about the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP). SRP works to ensure rice is grown sustainably, profitably and to a high quality.
VSO/Sophal Neak

National volunteer Mongkol Lyn runs a training workshop with farmers about the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP). SRP works to ensure rice is grown sustainably, profitably and to a high quality.

VSO has a proud history in Cambodia. Our volunteers have supported a range of vital projects that have improved the lives of many in the country.  

Since 1991, almost 900 long term volunteers have been placed in Cambodia, working with 200 partners. 

Cambodia is one of the best performing countries in poverty reduction worldwide. The poverty rate more than halved between 2004 and 2011. But the majority of families who escaped poverty in the past decade were able to do so only by a small margin. One in five Cambodians still live on less than $1.25 and millions more are vulnerable to even the slightest change in circumstances.

It is easy to make Cambodia your home. It's a warm a friendly place to live and work and most importantly - you are needed.

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Volunteer stories from Cambodia

Supporting rice farmers in Cambodia

Volunteer Giovanni is working to support farmers turn their enterprises into robust businesses. Here he talks about the experience as a whole, and the impact he sees.

The fields are empty: Why thousands of Cambodian farmers are disappearing

In Cambodia, rice farmers are struggling with growing costs and stagnant markets. They are taking out loans to cope in the difficult months and when they cannot repay them they're forced to migrate towards cities or overseas in search of work, leaving behind children and aged parents to care for the rice fields.

No more missing pay cheques for teachers in Cambodia

Payment system reform by VSO volunteers means teachers can reliably access their hard-earned wages.

Volunteer roles in Cambodia

Below is a list of all our current volunteer opportunities in Cambodia. Some of these volunteer jobs may only be available to Cambodian nationals. Others are available for international volunteers from anywhere in the world.

Opportunity Location Apply by
English Language Teacher Trainer Cambodia


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