Safeguarding and child protection

Protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm is central to achieving our mission of ending global poverty.

At VSO we are committed to ensuring the experience of our organisation is one that is free from any form of abuse or exploitation. Everyone who comes into contact with any person associated with VSO should at all times feel respected and safeguarded.

To enforce this, our global safeguarding policy (PDF, 183KB) has a range of preventative measures and systems to prevent any form of abuse, and clear procedures for disciplinary action in the event this policy is breached.

If you have concerns or wish to talk to someone in confidence about a safeguarding issue please contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer at VSO on +44 (0)207 1188 141 or

See also:

Our global code of conduct (PDF, 786 KB) sets out the standards and expectations of employees and volunteers in terms of professional ethics, integrity, acting as a representative and safeguarding, which support our vision, mission and values.

Our global whistle-blowing policy (PDF, 710 KB) explains how we expect our staff and associates to comply fully with the laws of those countries in which we operate, and the process to follow if anyone suspects laws have been broken.